Torchbearers Refresh Conference

Torchbearers Refresh Conference - A conference for Torchbearers staff

24.05 – 31.05.24

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The Refresh Conference is intended for the care of our Torchbearers staff.


Not every staff person can come to ISC and it can be difficult to take meaningful time away, so we are offering a week of teaching, fellowship and recreation in the breath-taking Swiss Alps, in hopes that those who attend will be refreshed and encouraged. We would welcome any staff, especially their spouses (in a staff position or not) regardless of how long you or what center you have served at to attend Refresh.

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Peter and Gaby Reid will be hosting the conference, along with Daniel Blaser, the director of Credo. Teaching sessions will be given by Peter and Daniel Hahn, director of Catalyst Inter- national, a ministry committed to the pastoral care of missionaries. You can find out more about Daniel and Lori Hahn at:


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Credo Schloss Unspunnen



May 24 - 31, 2024



150.- CHF per person 

Includes room & board. Accomodations are dormitory style (shared rooms) for single guests.

Only rooms with shower/toilet on the hallway are still available.


Travel Information:

For those flying to Switzerland, the easiest route is to fly to Zürich and take the train from the Zürich Airport to Interlaken West where you’ll be picked up and shuttled to Credo.

For those who may want to extend their stay in Europe either before or after Refresh may want to consider visiting another Torchbearers center in Europe. Some of the centers will be hosting their Spring School programs and you may be able to attend as a guest student. Torchbearers staff may want to plan a reunion with past students while you are here.

Sign up here

1st participant
2nd participant
3rd participant
4th participant
Room type